Use of the BENOR mark

Using the BENOR mark confirms that a product or service complies with a technical reference framework for quality approved by all parties involved in the product or service and elaborated in documents called Prescriptions Techniques - Technische Voorschriften (PTV).

This confirmation is based on continuous monitoring of all steps of the production process and at all relevant parties. Only the use of the BENOR mark on the supplier's own delivery note together with the validity of the certificate can constitute a valid proof of this.

The BENOR mark is managed by an independent non-profit association BENOR, the association for the management of the BENOR mark. This association consists of all stakeholders in the products and services it covers, both public and private users, manufacturers, service providers and experts.

The non-profit association BENOR has appointed PROCERTUS as the Sectoral Organization to manage the BENOR mark in its sector.

PROCERTUS is also the certification body responsible for the day-to-day management of certification and supervision of the use of the mark for steel for reinforced and prestressed concrete.


Permission to use the BENOR mark is always based on the certification of products or services. This means that:

  • The manufacturer of the product or service provider guarantees that its product or service remains compliant, based on industry or sector self-monitoring.
  • On the basis of a periodic external audit, the certification body confirms the existence of a sufficient degree of confidence in the ability of the manufacturer or service provider to guarantee the quality of its product. The BENOR certificate is issued as proof of this.

The manufacturer's production control covers the raw materials used, the production process itself and the delivered product. The product's measuring and testing equipment is also part of this control.

The purpose of the periodic external audit is to assess the validity and reliability of the self-audit performed by the manufacturer. To confirm this, samples are taken for examination in an external laboratory.

The content and organization of the manufacturer's or service provider's self-control, as well as the external inspection and tests are described in a BENOR rule (BRP Bijzonder Reglement – Règlement Particulier) and further elaborated for each product or service in the application rules (TRA ToepassingsReglement – Règlement d'Application).

The granting of an authorization to use the BENOR mark is always accompanied by a certificate. This document contains all relevant information on the holder of the mark and the product.

CE certification

PROCERTUS was recognized by the Belgian State as a notified body to carry out tasks under European Rule (EU) 305/2011 and, in this capacity, is registered with the European Commission under the notification number 0965 for the following products, further referred to as affected products:

  • Steel for concrete according to mandate M/115, harmonized standards of the EN 10080 and EN 10138 series (system 1+),
  • Construction steel according to mandate M/120, harmonized standards of the EN 10025 and EN 10088-4 series (system 2+),
  • Lighting columns for public lighting according to mandate M/111, harmonized standards of the EN 40 series (system 1),
  • Fixed vertical traffic signs according to mandate M/111, harmonized standards of the series EN 12899 (System 1),
  • Manufacture of steel and aluminum structures according to mandate M/120, harmonized standards of the EN 1090 series (System 2+).

Annex ZA of these standards contains the list of essential characteristics and the applicable systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance. In function of the applicable system, use should be made of a notified body that carries out tasks that may lead to the delivery of a certificate, on the basis of which the manufacturer may then proceed to draw up a declaration of performance and affix the CE marking on its products.

The concrete application of the rules is described in a CE rule (BRP – Bijzonder reglement – Règlement Particulier) and further elaborated for each product or service in the application rules (TRA ToepassingsReglement – Règlement d’Application).


The PROCERTUS mark was created in response to an effective demand by companies operating in the world of steel and aluminum production to also have their competence confirmed for those areas for which there is no framework in existing standards. These areas mainly concern the distribution of products and compliance with rules on traceability and storage.

These processes are independently verified by PROCERTUS after which a certificate can be issued confirming compliance with the rules and reference documents.

In addition, the PROCERTUS mark is also a means of having relevant information about the company's operation confirmed following third-party verification, e.g., information relating to the details of welding coordinators or the welding processes used.

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